Saturday, July 3, 2010

a bread i called my own

dh lame teringin nk wat roti totally moved by mamat nih, dlm cite River Cottage Summer's Here slot.dlm cite tu, dia betul2 enlighten bnde2 yg consumer slalu xtau.contohnya, roti yg kite mkn setiap hari tu, mmg bnyk preservative. normal bread cume bleh thn utk up to 3 days je, tp kbnykan roti yg kita mkn mmg kdg2 thn smpi lebih 7 hari.

so hari ni dgn smngtnye cuba wat roti, hasil bbrapa kali bguru ngn AFC channel 703 :) this time totally try simple white bread, insya allah dh master
recipe ni, leh try roti lain yg meriah2 pulak. and here the recipe goes:

*recipe ni produce 1 loaf of bread

- 1 1/2 cup warm water
- 1 1/2 tbsp dry yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp vege oil
- 5 tbsp sugar
- 4 cups bread flour

1. in a large bowl, combine dry ingredients 1st. 2 cups of bread flour, salt, sugar.mix thoroughly.ada dgr tips yg yeast xleh direct contact ngn salt. make a well at center of the mixture, pour in some water and all the yeast required for the recipe. slowly and in clockwise direction, mix the water and yeast together using a fork. guna tepung kt tepi sikit demi sikit, and jgn smpi air melimpah. mix sume, and akan form macam b
atter nk wat cekodok mixture rehat smpi double in size
2. gradually add another 2 cups of flour, kneading until smooth. makin lama dough akan jd makin berat, and agak2 dh xleh nk kacau batter guna senduk, bleh la start uli guna tgn. cara uli ni mmg ssh nk explain dlm words, n better tgk dlu org yg dh mahir buat. *hopefully diri sndri ingt smpi bila2*
3. place dough in a grease bowl, cover with a damp cloth, allow to rise until double in size
4. punch down the dough, let it rest few minutes. shape into loaf, set into greased bread pans. let rise again until double
5. bake at 175deg C, 35 mins.

alhamdulillah, batch kali ni jadi, n family sukaa~ nxt time leh try lagi :)
hehe sgt xsabar nk amik gmba, pls pardon the mess kt blakang tu yek.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

tauhu telur kuah blackpepper

tauhu mmg satu invention mknn yg super sedap. tauhu goreng (org panggil tauhu cina) tu mmg super sedap mkn ngn mee kari, tauhu goreng pulak super sedap mkn cicah ngn smbal kicap mak,tauhu bakar adalah faveret kalau balik johor, n tauhu telur mmg super sedap mkn ngn kuah pekat. tp, kt u dlu tauhu telur dimasak secara lame, xsedap, tasteless, n boring.smpi mls nk amik.bile dh kt umah, leh la msk tauhu telur ni ngn kuah yg dimasak secukup rasa! weehoo~ :D

nk beli tauhu ni ada tipsnya. mak ckp, kalau beli tauhu, carikla yg x direndam dlm air, sbb yg dh rendam tu tunjukkan tauhu tu dh lama, n bila digoreng texture die keras n xbest. utk tauhu telur pulak, lepas beli tu masak la cpt2, sbb kalau tnggu few day, die dh start lembik, pecah n xleh nk dimasak, here goes the recipe!

1. potong tauhu telur, sprinkle ngn tepung n blackpepper. goreng, toskan
2. tumis bawang merah, smpi naik bau
3. masukkan bawang putih, halia sket, 3 biji cili padi.tumiskan jugak
4. renjiskan sket minyak bijan, smpi bnde2 yg ditumis jd lembut sket, n bau
5. letakkan 1 sudu mkn oyster sauce, 1 sudu mkn blackpepper sauce
6. tmbhkan sket air, adjust garam n secubit gula
7. tnggu mendidih, tmbahkan pulak 1 sudu teh tepung jagung yg dh larutkan ngn air
8. biarkan kuah memekat
9. tuang atas tauhu yg dh digoreng td

recipe ni sgt senang la nk wat.adjust2 je bhn2 nye. ada org yg xgoreng tauhu n terus tuang kuah atas tauhu.totally optional. tp for me mcm xbest la pulak sbb tauhu tu xmasak dlu kan.hopefully lps ni xlupe lah nk msk tauhu ni cmne :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

of banana brownies

I always find banana and chocolate is a perfect-match-made-in-heaven, just like adam and eve, apple n cinnamon :D telling you the truth, i'm an avid choco lover (who doesn't, anyway?) and never get tired of trying out new choc recipe. upon watching this recipe played on tv, i know i would give it a try.recipe is credited to chef michael smith, on Chef at Home slot on 703.what i love most about him is he always encourage dummy people like me to try out ingredients and his best tagline must be "the best recipe is, cooking without a recipe!".

on the other side, kt rumah mmg mcm dh jd tradition, beli choc bnyk2 pastu simpan je dlm fridge. pastu start la tanak mkn choc sbb kononnya dh rasa peti sejuk la ape lah.sumorg same je dlm rumah ni i think :D sayang sgt tgk choc ni xtermakan, esp sometimes they're really good choc. so sbb xnk terwaste mcm tu je, wat la clean up drive for choc. this time around, involves batch yg kak ja beli wayy back from euro.

so, enough of ranting, this is the simple recipe i tried.remember, recipe is just words without taste.the important thing is, to modified them urself :)

- 1 pound of good, dark choc u can find in your shelf.
- a cup of butter
- 4 eggs
- 5 ripe bananas
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- a pinch of salt

1. preheat oven to 160deg C
2. melt choc n butter together in a small bowl. wat double boil style
3. mash together eggs and banana.
4. sieve bhn2 kering (flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder)
5. add bhn2 no. 4 dlm bowl eggs n banana td. stir to combine, add salt.
6. the best part. pour in melted butter n choc mixture dlm bowl eggs n banana td.kacau sebati
7. butter and flour a bking dish, pour in the batter. bake for a good 1hour and 15 minutes.

brownies ni sdp sgt kalau mkn slalunye kitorg pnskan dlu dlm microwave, n letak mashmellow atas die.gmba google je sbb laptop ni prob sket hehe!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ice cold lemonade

letak gmba botol je haha

1. 9 biji lemon
2. 3 cups gula
4. loads of cold water
5. ice cubes

1. utk maximize rasa lemon, perah kulit nye jgn smpi lapisan putih, amik yg kuning je
2. perah lemon smpi bdn bpeloh haha
3. amik 1 kuali besar, tuang juice tu n cmpo ngn 3 cups gula tu
4. adjust nk manis utk recipe ni, dpt 3 botol lemonade concentrate yg sgt sedap ble minum ngn ice :)
5. kitorg minum ngn teh jgk, so jdk la ice lemon tea!

bbq recipe n self made beef burger

recipe ni dh pnh upload dlu, mse g picnic ngn kwn2 ade modify sket so upload je la. personally i love food yg dibuat sndri, sbb rasa puas die lain sket hehe

bbq marinade recipe:
1. utk 1sudu mustard (kitorg gne heinz mustrad), tmbah 2 sudu mayo.
2. tambah cajun spice (ktorg gne mc cormick's) n ni sgt penting sbb die yg akan dominate the taste
3. jgn lupe salt n pepper secukup rase.

sgt simple tp best.nak senang wat kuah marinade asing, then bru tmbah ayam.kalau ade kekurangan bleh la adjust dlu kan.kalau blebih plak, asing kan sesiap sbb leh jd dip jugak! sgt addictive dip mustard nih :)

self made burger (yg ni senang sgt, tp superb):

1. mince meat (ktorg beli ramly's punye je, 1 packet)
2. dry oregano spice
3. 1 onion, diced
4. salt n pepper
5. baby bun (kt giant je :P)
6. butter

1. mixed sume ni, oregano tu adjust secukup rasa,tp i used 2 tbsp dried oregano
2. kepal kan kecik2, ikut size bun yg akan gne nnti
3. bakar daging tu atas bbq set, tp seeloknye alas pakai aluminuim foil, sbb nnti die x kan pecah2. tp mak kate kalau mse campor2 tu letak sket tepung, daging die elok n hold to each other.
4. sapu butter kt bun tu, toast jap atas bbq set. dh agak2 garing, angkat,sapu ngn mash potato n mkn ngn daging bege.leh la garnish ngn pape, nk wat meriah2.tomato ke, salad ke ape.

now this is what i call comfort food!! :)

nasi apple

last wiken pegi camping with family.sgt best n memorable lah! :) so for the nxt few entries, akan upload recipe for the food yg ktorg mkn aritu, sbb sume sdp2 n mkn smpi perut nk meletop hehe.this time around, recipe nasi apple, dpt 1 full periuk. sgt simple tp sedappp~

1. beras 2 cup
2. apple jus 2 stgh cup (dr 4 biji apple dan ditapis dlu)
3. serbuk cinnamon
4. 1 biji apple dipotong cube
5. goreng bwg merah n putih dlm kuali asing
6. salt n pepper

1. msk nasik cm bese, tp apple tu letak kt atas skali.n jgn lupe letak bwg goreng tu bg meriah2 sket haha

Friday, April 23, 2010

chocolate vanilla cheese cake

this blog wagon seems dustier than everrr.haha lame gile xupdate, pdhal bnyk je msk2. heehee.bru wat cake ni, n nak share the recipe which i learn mse g cooking class back in kepong dlu :P

- biskut secukup rasa
- melted butter, bout 5 tbsp
- gula secukup rasa(kalau nk manis)

-600g dairy whipping cream
-2 eggs
-100gm castor sugar
-500gm cream cheese
-6tsp gelatin
-6tbsp water
-140g bitter sweet choc (melted)
-3 tsp vanilla essence

note: double boil gelatin n water together, continue stir so it wont clump.

1. heat up oven (5-10 mins), hancurkan biskut (oreo ke, digestive ke, or watever), gaul ngn melted butter smpi mesra n agak2 leh kepal. bake for 10 mins, 160deg C

1. whip whipping cream and leave it aside
2. beat eggs n sugar till spongy.(this is d most crucial part for any cake).always add in the dry ingred INTO wet ingred.
3. beat cheese until smooth, then add in the eggs, then the gelatin
4. fold in whipped cream, divide mixture into 2 (half by half)
5. fold in melted choc in the 1st batter, n vanilla essence in the other bowl
6. pour the vanilla flavored mixture on the pan,
7. then pour the choc flavored mxture above it
8. chilled for 2 hours, serve chilled

-tp ikut keadaan kek dlm gmba, cara tuang lain sket.ikut creativity memasing hehe
-personally my family lg suke cheese cake style yg ni

thats all!! :D

Saturday, March 6, 2010

pecel lele

1. ikan keli/pari sekilo
2. kelapa parut sebiji
3. cili api 15 biji
4. 1-2 biji bawang besar
5. kunyit hidup besar ibu jari
6. biji kencur 6 biji
7. daun kencur dimayang
8. santan (diasing cair n pekat)

cara msk
1. lumur ikan dgn garam & kunyit sket, bakar smpi garing
2. tumbuk bhn2 no. 2-6.smpai lembut
3. tumis, smpai garing. msukkan gula
4. masukkan 1 cawan santan cair, sehingga mendidih
5. masukkan ikan yg dh dibakar sehingga mendidih
6. msukkan 2 cwn santan pekat, smpai kuah pekat
7. tutup api, masukkan daun kencur

Friday, January 29, 2010

bubur jagung

this is a humble recipe from my mak, yet is the best :)


1. jagung (bnyk ikut suka)
2. daun pandan
3. gula (xkesah gula melaka atau gula pasir) n garam secukup rasa
4. santan (2 cup)
5. segenggam sagu (dibasuh n rendam dlu)


1. rebus jagung n msukkan daun pandan
2. bile dh empuk, msukkan santan, biar mendidih
3. msukkan gula, bg manis
4. msukkan secubit garam
5. msukkan sagu
6. tnggu jagung didih, sagu jd lutsinar n kuah santan mkin pekat
6. mkn ngn biskut cream craker Jacob's mmg sdp :)

Cheese Cake (Strawberry)

- 900g cream cheese (room temp)

- 3 eggs (room temp)

- 1 cup sugar

- 3tbs butter

- 1tsp vanilla essence

- 2 cup any biscuit (oreo/wheat based)


1. - pnskan oven (dlm 5-10mins). hancurkan biskut, gaul ngn melted butter. bile dh mesra n boleh dikepal, bleh la press ke atas pan (utk jd b
ase). bake for 10mins, 160deg C
2. - beat sugar n eggs (msuk satu satu), smpi kembang. msukkan cream cheese smpi mixture smooth (high speed around 10mins)

3. - lps mixture siap, leh la fold in pape bhn yg kte wish nk letak. in this case i fold in chopped strawberry

4. - lps crumb msk, susun cream oreo tu (sbb xnk bazir) atas cooked based tu
- tuang mixture dlm pan tu, bake for 50mins, 160deg C.
5. - bile dh msk, hias atas cheesecake ngn bhn2 yg kte nak. in this case i spread strawberry jam n lots of strawberry on top of the cake. kalau stawberry msm, celup ngn air gula tlebih dlu
6. - sejukkan dlm fridge, at least 4 hours b4 served.
nk abes dh! hehe..

Sunday, January 10, 2010


8-1 ounce square of unsweetened choc
1 cup butter
5 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups chopped nut (any nuts will do)

1. preheat oven n grease pan with oil
2. melt choc n butter in a saucepan (low heat) and set aside
3. in a mixer, beat eggs, sugar n vanilla at high speed for 10 mins
4. blend in choc mixture, flour n salt until just mixed
5. stir in the nuts. pour into the prepared pan
6. bake for 35-40mins, at 180deg C
7. voila! :)