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recipe credit to jamie oliver, with some modification to suit my malay tongue :)ingredients:
1. spaghetti, of course
2. garlic, shallots and pepper (mash until juicy) and some cili giling
3. a can of whole tomato soaked in juice
5. meatball
6. oregano
7. salt and sugar to taste
8. veges (button mushroom, carrots, broccoli, etc.)
1. boil the spaghetti. drop some oil and salt to fasten the boiling process
2. get a pan hot, drizzle some oil
3. saute the garlic, shallot and pepper until get the aroma
4. add 3 tbsp of cili giling into the pan. leave to cook
5. pour in the tomatoes, let the juice drip down first, and squash the tomatoes using your hand to get the juice and chunkiness of the tomato. rip them into pieces. add veges and leave to boil (add in some basil leave, if had)
6. get another pan hot and drizzled with oil (put a garlic inside oil for better taste)
7. put in some meatball, turn over them to cooked, and drizzle some oregano to taste
8. toast the cooked spaghetti and pour inside the pan with meatballs
9. mix together
10. serve with the tomato sauce. walla! :)
this is an easy weezy recipe to make, perfect for a divine breakfast. make about 20bahan2:1. 5 biji pisang2. 5 sudu tepung gandum3. 1 sudu teh baking powder4. 1 sudu teh perasa vanila5. 4 sudu gula6. susu full cream (1/2 glass)7. 1 biji telur8. secubit garamcara2:1. potong pisang dan cmpurkan gula, dan secubit garam2. lenyekkan pisang3. cmpurkan bahan2 lain, kacau smpi jd cmpuran yg lembut4. ttp mangkuk, biarkan selama 10minit5. masak kan pancake :)